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How to find Xth palindrome?

Dear Friends:

  • As much as strings, some numbers are also palindrome. For instance: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 22, 33, ... , 101, 111, ... ,753537, ... and so on.

  • Here is the thing, We need to figure a way to find first 10.000 palindromic numbers in order to respond user's entry. Starts from 1 to 10000th palindromic number. For example if user enters 12 it means what is the 12th palindromic number between 1 and 10.000 ?

  • The input consists of a series of lines with each line containing one integer value i (1 <= i <= 10000). This integer value i indicates the index of the palindrome number that is to be written to the output, where index 1 stands for the first palindrome number (1), index 2 stands for the second palindrome number (2) and so on.


Input 1 --> Output should be: 1

Input 12 --> Output should be: 33

Input 24 --> Output should be: 151

    import java.util.Scanner;

    public class xth_palindrome
        // Some Code may be here

        public static void main(String[] args)
            Scanner read = new Scanner(;
            System.out.println("Enter values as much as you want. To stop Enter \"0\" ");

            int Xth;

                Xth = read.nextInt();

                // Some coding here 

                System.out.println(Xth + " palindromic num is " + "????");

            } while(Xth != 0);
  • By the way: time limit is 1 second. Considering these factors What is the right Algorithm to solve this problem ? If you could help me and show the solution code wise in Java I would very appreciate it. Thanks for checking!


  • Maybe not "the very best way", but works fine.

    And it does the job in less than 1 sec (depending of your hardware).

    I've tested here.

    import java.util.Scanner;
    public class HelloWorld{
         public static void main(String []args){
                Scanner read = new Scanner(;
                System.out.println("Enter values as much as you want (lower than 100000).\n To stop Enter \"0\" ");
                int Xth;
                    Xth = read.nextInt();
                    // Some coding here 
                    if (Xth > 100000)
                        System.out.println("Type a number lower than 100000");
                    int count = 0;
                    for (int i = 1; i <= 1000000000; i++)
                        if (!isPalindrome(i))
                        if (count == Xth)
                            System.out.println(Xth + "th palindromic number is " + i);
                    if (count != Xth)
                        System.out.println("I can't compute that!");
                } while(Xth != 0);
         private static StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
         private static boolean isPalindrome(int i)
            return  sb.toString().equals(sb.reverse().toString());