In NetBeans I've created a project with many of JTextField
's. Now I understand that I should validate it. Is it possible to "cast" text fields to JFormattedTextField
It is possible to "cast" text fields to
No it's not. At least not directly. The other way around is possible though, given JFormattedTextField
extends from JTextField
So I must delete all JTexFields and add Formatted fields ?
Not necessarily but it's highly recommended. On the other hand you can let the class' variables declared as JTextField
and initialize them as JFormattedTextField
through custom code:
Then you can "safely" downcast them as JFormattedTextField
later. However I'd like to emphasize one more time that it sounds like a dirty workaround. Also note you won't be able to change the setText(...)
code to setValue(...)
which is preferred for formatted text fields.