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Params with knockout component using instance

I would like to send in params to an "instance" (singleton) of my knockout component using requirejs. The knockout help only shows examples of non instance parameter passing.

i have the following code which uses the instance and works correctly.

 //module declaration
 function unapAppointments()
      rest of code here.
 return {
        viewModel: {
            instance: new unapAppointments()
        template: unapp,


What i would like to do is something like the below passing in PARAMS from the component. This however obviously does not work.

 //module declaration
     function unapAppointments(PARAMS)
          use PARAMS
 return {
        viewModel: {
            instance: new unapAppointments(PARAMS)
        template: unapp,




  • Returning a new instance depending on params contradicts the use of a shared instance viewmodel. This is exactly like using the viewmodel as constructor (accepting params) approach.

    If you want to create a single instance, modify its internals depending on params each time before the binding is applied, you can use the createViewModel factory:

    define(['knockout', 'text!./unapp.html'], function(ko, unapp) {
        function unapAppointments() {
            // rest of code here.
        var mySingleton = new unapAppointments();
        function unapAppointmentsFactory(params, componentInfo) {
            // modify mySingleton using params
            return mySingleton;
        return {
            viewModel: {
                createViewModel: unapAppointmentsFactory
            template: unapp,

    But using this approach is delicate. If there is multiple components in the page, the last one to be bound wins, its params will override all the others.