i am new to OWLAPi , i am using Jfact1.2.1 reasoner.
In my ontology there are two unsatisfiable classes . I want to print all the subclasses without these two unsatisfied classes. I've made some codes using array and i was successful however, i didn't like this array thing as i can not use it for other unknown ontologies which might have more than 2 unsatisfiable classes.
So my question is, is there a way to print out all the subclasses of defined classes without having the unsitisfiable classes present in them? i really need someone's help as i've tried everything. If anyone is interested in the array method i've used to the codes are below
OWLClass[] array = new OWLClass[3];
int i=0;
Node<OWLClass> bottomNode = reasoner.getUnsatisfiableClasses();
Set<OWLClass> unsatisfiable = bottomNode.getEntitiesMinusBottom();
for (OWLClass cls : unsatisfiable) {
array[i]= cls;
for (OWLClass c : myOntology.getClassesInSignature()) {
NodeSet<OWLClass> subClasses = reasoner.getSubClasses(c, True);
for (OWLClass subClass : subClasses.getFlattened()) {
if (subClass.isBottomEntity()|| subClass.equals(array[0])||
subClass.equals(array[1])|| subClass.equals(array[2])){
System.out.println(subClass.getIRI().getFragment() + "\tsubclass of\t"
+ c.getIRI().getFragment());
if (subClass.isBottomEntity()|| subClass.equals(array[0])||
subClass.equals(array[1])|| subClass.equals(array[2])){
if (subClass.isBottomEntity()|| unsatisfiable.contains(subclass)) {
which has the same effect. There's no need for you to copy the unsatisfiable
set out to an array.