Hi so lets assume that client-side has a key that is not transfered via the same channel as the encrypted data.
What I am trying to accomplish is to decrypt the result of Stanford Javascript Crypto Library (sjcl) in ruby. or for a generalisation in any other language that has a crypto library that has support for AES.
Here is what I am doing in javascript:
sjcl.encrypt('stack-password', 'overflow-secret')
And this is what I get in return:
"iv": "Tbn0mZxQcroWnq4g/Pm+Gg",
"v": 1,
"iter": 1000,
"ks": 128,
"ts": 64,
"mode": "ccm",
"adata": "",
"cipher": "aes",
"salt": "pMQh7m9Scds",
"ct": "H6JRpgSdEzKUw2qEO1+HwIzAdxGTgh0"
So what I'm actually asking is, which of these parameters I need(assuming the server already has the "stack-password" key) in order to decrypt the secret server-side, and which library should I use? May be having AES decryption library is not enough?
For those coming here from Google, I managed to use the sjcl library to encrypt on Appcelerator's Titanium and decrypt on Ruby/Rails.
Encrypt (javascript):
var data = SJCL.encrypt('your key here',
'plain text',
{ mode: 'gcm',
iv: SJCL.random.randomWords(3, 0) });
The important bit is using a smaller IV.
Decrypt (ruby):
def self.decrypt(h)
h = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new(JSON.parse(h))
key = OpenSSL::PKCS5.pbkdf2_hmac('your key here', Base64.decode64(h[:salt]), 1000, h[:ks]/8, 'SHA256')
puts "Key: #{key.unpack('H*')}"
puts "Salt: #{Base64.decode64(h[:salt]).unpack('H*')}"
c = OpenSSL::Cipher.new("#{h[:cipher]}-#{h[:ks]}-#{h[:mode]}")
c.key = key
c.iv = Base64.decode64(h[:iv])
puts "IV: #{Base64.decode64(h[:iv]).unpack('H*')}"
c.auth_data = ""