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JMX Authentication - Role Based MBean Operations

I have implemented JMXAuthenticator for JMX authentication over RMI, however I am not sure how to create roles to allow for readonly/readwrite access levels. For example, in JMXAuthenticator.authenticate I have my custom authentication logic and want this to determine the access role. I have tried the following but it makes no difference when performing operations in JConsole:

public Subject authenticate(Object credentials) {
    Subject subject = new Subject();
    JMXPrincipal p;

    // logic
    String accessLevel = myCustomLogic();
    if (accessLevel.equals("admin")) {
        p = new JMXPrincipal("adminrole");
    } else {
        p = new JMXPrincipal("basicrole");

    return subject;

I have then created an access file,, containing

adminuser readwrite
basicuser readonly

and which contains TO ACCESS FILE and I run the application with TO

However when I connect through JConsole and authenticate as a basicuser (read only access) I can access setters on the bean. I am connecting via the full service:jmx:rmi:... url.

So my questions are

  • Do I need to annotate/do anything to the setters in my bean to specify them as visible only to admin users?
  • Am I not building the Subject object correctly which the JMXAuthenticator returns?
  • Any other config/setup that is missing?


Edit My MBean is just a basic POJO with private fields that have public getters and setters plus one other public method.


  • Found the answer: need to implement a custom invocation handler via InvocationHandler interface. This intercepts server calls before they reach the beans. Inside the authenticate method you need to check the principals

    AccessControlContext acc = AccessController.getContext();
    Subject subject = Subject.getSubject(acc);
    Set principals = subject.getPrincipals(JMXPrincipal.class);
    if(principals != null && !principals.isEmpty()) {
        Principal principal = (Principal)principals.iterator().next();
        //your checks

    I extended JMXPrincipal (one extension per access level) and assigned it to the Subject in the Authenticator above, then after retrieving the principal in the IH, I can check the type via instanceof and either allow the action to continue or throw a SecurityException.