Search code examples

CRM 2013: Strange behavior when refreshing form or navigate back by browser's back-button

I'm actually implementing Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 for our company.

At the moment we have a strange behavior. We implemented our own contact search and include it on a dashboard as an IFrame. When we open a contact from the search result, it shows the contact form.

If I refresh the page by press "F5" it jumps back to the dashboard with the contact search. I expected a refresh of the contact form. This does not happen every time.

Same if I navigate from the contact to an activity. If I press browsers back button, it goes back to customer serach. I espect that it goeas back to the contact form.

Does someone know why this happen?



  • The problem sounds like it could be the URL you are using to open the new window/tab. Since you are using a new window to open your results, the URL should be crafted to open that specific record and use it as a basis for all actions performed in that new window.

    Try this:

    1. Open an existing CRM contact record (doesn't matter which) in your browser and click the "Email A Link" button.
    2. In the email which is generated, copy the URL. It will look something like this: <CrmUrl>/main.aspx?etc=2&extraqs=formid%3d<FormGUID>&id=%7b<ContactRecordGUID>%7d&pagetype=entityrecord
    3. Update your IFrame results to link to a contact records using the URL template from above. The only part you will need to change is the ContactRecordGUID part.

    Once this is implemented, it should work (I just tested with no issue). You can test it yourself first by creating a new window using the link created from the "Email A Link" function and then navigate around a bit. The back and refresh buttons should work as expected in this new window.