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How to craft specific packets on the host of Mininet to generate massive Packet-In messages

I am wondering that how to generate massive packet-in messages to the controller to test the response time of SDN controller in the environment of Mininet.

Can you give me some advice on it?


  • You could use iperf to send packets, like this:

    $ iperf -c -F 

    You could specify the amount of time:

    $IPERF_TIME (-t, --time)

    The time in seconds to transmit for. Iperf normally works by repeatedly sending an array of len bytes for time seconds. Default is 10 seconds. See also the -l and -n options.

    Here is a nice reference for iperf:

    If you would like to use Scapy, try this:

    from scapy.all import IP, TCP, send
    data = "University of Network blah blah"
    a = IP(dst="")/TCP()/data