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Error when connect RSU to OpenFlow Switch in OMNeT++

I want to simulate a VANET based SDN, I successfully integrated SUMO with OMNET using VEINS. Then I imported INET, OpenFlow, an error appear when I add gates to the RSU and connected with OpenFlow switch the below error is appear? How can I fix that and what should I modify to make my VEINS scenario work with SDN?

<!> Gate 'RSUExampleScenario.rsu[0].In' is not connected to a submodule (or internally to another gate of the same module) -- in module (omnetpp::cModule) RSUExampleScenario.rsu[0] (id=7), during network setup
TRAPPING on the exception above, due to a debug-on-errors=true configuration option. Is your debugger ready?
Simulation terminated with exit code: -2147483645
Working directory: D:/omnetpp-5.1/samples/veins/examples/veins
Command line: ../../../../bin/opp_run.exe -m -n .;../../src/veins;../../../openflow;../../../inet/src;../../../inet/examples;../../../inet/tutorials;../../../inet/showcases --image-path=../../images;../../../openflow/images;../../../inet/images -l ../../src/veins -l ../../../inet/src/INET omnetpp.ini
Environment variables:

here the code for RSU.ned and I just add the In and Out gates.

package org.car2x.veins.nodes;

import org.car2x.veins.base.modules.*;
import org.car2x.veins.modules.nic.Nic80211p;

import inet.node.inet.AdhocHost;
import inet.node.xmipv6.MobileHost6;
import openflow.Flow_Table;
import openflow.nodes.Open_Flow_Controller;
import openflow.nodes.Open_Flow_Switch;

module RSU
        string applType; //type of the application layer
        string nicType = default("Nic80211p"); // type of network interface card
        input veinsradioIn; // gate for sendDirect
        input In;
        output Out;

        appl: <applType> like org.car2x.veins.base.modules.IBaseApplLayer {

        nic: <nicType> like org.car2x.veins.modules.nic.INic80211p {

        mobility: BaseMobility {

        nic.upperLayerOut --> appl.lowerLayerIn;
        nic.upperLayerIn <-- appl.lowerLayerOut;
        nic.upperControlOut --> appl.lowerControlIn;
        nic.upperControlIn <-- appl.lowerControlOut;

        veinsradioIn --> nic.radioIn;


and here the OpenFlow_switch.ned, Also I just add the In and Out gates.

package openflow.nodes;

import inet.applications.pingapp.PingApp;
import inet.applications.contract.ITCPApp;
//import inet.base.NotificationBoard;
import inet.linklayer.ethernet.EtherMAC;
//import inet.linklayer.ext.ExtInterface;
import inet.linklayer.ppp.PPPInterface;
import inet.networklayer.common.InterfaceTable;
//import inet.networklayer.ipv4.RoutingTable;
//import inet.transport.ITCP;
//import inet.transport.udp.UDP;
//import inet.util.TCPDump;
//import inet.nodes.inet.NetworkLayer;

import inet.transportlayer.contract.ITCP;
import inet.linklayer.ppp.PPPInterface;
import inet.linklayer.ethernet.EthernetInterface;
import inet.linklayer.loopback.LoopbackInterface;
import inet.networklayer.ipv4.*;

import openflow.*;
// OpenFlow switch based on the OF Switch Specification 1.2.
// New implemented modules: FlowTable, Open_Flow_Processing, Buffer, OFA_Switch (Application)
// The OpenFlow switch is basically divided in two parts. The left path, which
//consists of a EtherMAC and a OpenFlowProcessing module, represents the data plane.
//All production trac, coming from different nodes connected
//to the switch, is handled here. The Processing module performs packet lookups in the 
//ow table and executes instructions, if a matching entry is found.
//The right part with the modules EthernetInterface, NetworkLayer, TCP and
//OFASwitch is responsible for the communication with a remote controller via the
//OpenFlow protocol and is called control plane.
module Open_Flow_Switch
        //        @node(); 
        @networkNode; //Inet 3.6 changed @node to @networkNode
        int numTcpApps = default(0);
        int numUdpApps = default(0);
        int numSctpApps = default(0);
        string tcpAppType = default("n/a");
        string udpAppType = default("n/a");
        string sctpAppType = default("n/a");
        string tcpType = default("TCP");  // tcp implementation (e.g. TCP, TCP_old, TCP_NSC)
        bool forwarding = default(false);
        int namid = default(-1);
        string routingFile = default("");
        int numExtInterfaces = default(0);
        bool sendCompletePacket = default(false);
        double serviceTime @unit("s") = default(0s);

        //DANH added:
        bool hasTcp = default(numTcpApps > 0);
        bool hasUdp = default(numUdpApps > 0);
        bool hasSctp = default(numSctpApps > 0);
        *.interfaceTableModule = default(absPath(".interfaceTable"));
        *.routingTableModule = default(absPath(".routingTable"));
        inout gate_controller[] @labels(Controller-conn);
        inout ethg[] @labels(EtherFrame-conn);
        input In;
        output Out;

        //        notificationBoard: NotificationBoard {
        //            parameters:
        //                @display("p=57,54");
        //        }
        interfaceTable: InterfaceTable {
        routingTable: IPv4RoutingTable {
                forwarding = forwarding;
                routerId = "";
                routingFile = routingFile;
        tcp: <tcpType> like ITCP {
        networkLayer: IPv4NetworkLayer {
                proxyARP = false;
        eth[sizeof(gate_controller)]: EthernetInterface {
        flow_Table: Flow_Table {
        etherMAC[sizeof(ethg)]: EtherMAC {
                doRegisterAtIft = false; // this is to prevent OF-Switch from registering to interface table

        open_Flow_Processing: Open_Flow_Processing {
            serviceTime = serviceTime;
        buffer: Buffer {
        ofa_switch: OFA_switch {
            sendCompletePacket = sendCompletePacket;

    connections allowunconnected:
        tcp.ipOut --> networkLayer.transportIn++ if hasTcp;
        tcp.ipIn <-- networkLayer.transportOut++ if hasTcp;

        for i=0..sizeof(gate_controller)-1 {
            eth[i].phys <--> gate_controller[i];
            eth[i].upperLayerOut --> networkLayer.ifIn[i];
            eth[i].upperLayerIn <-- networkLayer.ifOut[i];

        for i=0..sizeof(ethg)-1 {
            etherMAC[i].phys <--> ethg[i];
            open_Flow_Processing.ifOut[i] --> etherMAC[i].upperLayerIn;
            etherMAC[i].upperLayerOut --> open_Flow_Processing.ifIn[i];

        tcp.appOut++ --> ofa_switch.tcpIn;
        ofa_switch.tcpOut --> tcp.appIn++;

here the RSUExampleScenario.ned

import inet.node.ethernet.EtherHost;
import inet.node.inet.AdhocHost;
import inet.node.xmipv6.MobileHost6;
import openflow.nodes.Domain_wController;
import openflow.nodes.OpenFlow_Domain_fixed;
import openflow.nodes.Open_Flow_Controller;
import openflow.nodes.Open_Flow_Switch;
import org.car2x.veins.nodes.RSU;
import org.car2x.veins.nodes.Scenario;

network RSUExampleScenario extends Scenario

        rsu[1]: RSU {

        open_Flow_Switch: Open_Flow_Switch {
        open_Flow_Controller: Open_Flow_Controller {

        open_Flow_Switch.ethg++ <--> open_Flow_Controller.ethg++;
        open_Flow_Controller.ethg++ <--> open_Flow_Switch.ethg++;

        rsu[0].Out --> open_Flow_Switch.In;
        open_Flow_Switch.Out --> rsu[0].In;

and finally the omnetpp.ini

cmdenv-express-mode = true
cmdenv-autoflush = true
cmdenv-status-frequency = 1s
**.cmdenv-log-level = info

ned-path = .
image-path = ../../images

network = RSUExampleScenario

#            Simulation parameters                       #
debug-on-errors = true
print-undisposed = true

sim-time-limit = 3000s

**.scalar-recording = true
**.vector-recording = true

**.debug = false
**.coreDebug = false

*.playgroundSizeX = 5500m
*.playgroundSizeY = 5500m
*.playgroundSizeZ = 5500m

# Annotation parameters                                  #
*.annotations.draw = true

# Obstacle parameters                                    #
*.obstacles.debug = false
*.obstacles.obstacles = xmldoc("config.xml", "//AnalogueModel[@type='SimpleObstacleShadowing']/obstacles")

#            TraCIScenarioManager parameters             #
*.manager.updateInterval = 1s
* = "localhost"
*.manager.port = 9999
*.manager.autoShutdown = true
*.manager.launchConfig = xmldoc("DammamMap.launchd.xml")

#                       RSU SETTINGS                     #
#                                                        #
#                                                        #
*.rsu[0].mobility.x = 2000
*.rsu[0].mobility.y = 2000
*.rsu[0].mobility.z = 3

*.rsu[*].applType = "TraCIDemoRSU11p"
*.rsu[*].appl.headerLength = 80 bit
*.rsu[*].appl.sendBeacons = false
*.rsu[*].appl.dataOnSch = false
*.rsu[*].appl.beaconInterval = 1s
*.rsu[*].appl.beaconUserPriority = 7
*.rsu[*].appl.dataUserPriority = 5

#            11p specific parameters                     #
#                                                        #
#                    NIC-Settings                        #
*.connectionManager.sendDirect = true
*.connectionManager.maxInterfDist = 2600m
*.connectionManager.drawMaxIntfDist = false

*.**.nic.mac1609_4.useServiceChannel = false

*.**.nic.mac1609_4.txPower = 20mW
*.**.nic.mac1609_4.bitrate = 6Mbps
*.**.nic.phy80211p.sensitivity = -89dBm

*.**.nic.phy80211p.useThermalNoise = true
*.**.nic.phy80211p.thermalNoise = -110dBm

*.**.nic.phy80211p.decider = xmldoc("config.xml")
*.**.nic.phy80211p.analogueModels = xmldoc("config.xml")
*.**.nic.phy80211p.usePropagationDelay = true

*.**.nic.phy80211p.antenna = xmldoc("antenna.xml", "/root/Antenna[@id='monopole']")

#                    WaveAppLayer                        #
*.node[*].applType = "TraCIDemo11p"
*.node[*].appl.headerLength = 80 bit
*.node[*].appl.sendBeacons = false
*.node[*].appl.dataOnSch = false
*.node[*].appl.beaconInterval = 1s

#                      Mobility                          #
*.node[*].veinsmobilityType.debug = true
*.node[*].veinsmobility.x = 0
*.node[*].veinsmobility.y = 0
*.node[*].veinsmobility.z = 1.895
*.node[*0].veinsmobility.accidentCount = 1
*.node[*0].veinsmobility.accidentStart = 75s
*.node[*0].veinsmobility.accidentDuration = 50s

[Config Default]

[Config WithBeaconing]
*.rsu[*].appl.sendBeacons = true
*.node[*].appl.sendBeacons = true

[Config WithChannelSwitching]
*.**.nic.mac1609_4.useServiceChannel = true
*.node[*].appl.dataOnSch = true
*.rsu[*].appl.dataOnSch = true

Any help will be greatly appreciated


  • I solved the error by adding allowunconnected to the connections in RSU.ned and RSUExampleScenario.ned

    I hope this help other people facing the same problem.