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angular ui-router: get $state info of toState in resolve

Update: this should be possible in angular-ui-router as of 1.0.0alpha0. See the release notes and the issue I created.

I would like to access the state's name and other attributes the app is navigating to using angular ui-router when working on the resolve.

The reason: I want load some user data (including their access rights) asynchronously before allowing the app the enter that page.

Currently this is not possible because injecting $state into the resolve points to the state you're navigating away form, not to the one you're navigating to.

I know I can:

  • get the toState somewhere else with $rootScope('$stateChangeStart') and save it in my settings service for instance. But I think it's a little messy.
  • hard code the state into the resolve, but I don't want to reuse my resolve for all pages

I also created an issue on the ui-router github (Please + 1 if you are interested!):

Here's my code so far. Any help appreciated!

.config(function($stateProvider) {

    $stateProvider.state('somePage', {
        // ..
        resolve: {
            userData: function($stateParams, $state, Settings) {
                return Settings.getUserData() // load user data asynchronously
                    .then(function (userData) {
                        // Problem: $state still points to the state you're navigating away from


  • Update for Ui-Router 1.x

    $provide.decorator('$state', ($delegate, $transitions) => {
        $transitions.onStart({}, (trans) => {
          $delegate.toParams = trans.params()
          $ =
        return $delegate

    Ui-Router 0.x

    You can always decorate $state with next and toParams properties:

    angular.config(function($provide) {
      $provide.decorator('$state', function($delegate, $rootScope) {
        $rootScope.$on('$stateChangeStart', function(event, state, params) {
          $ = state;
          $delegate.toParams = params;
        return $delegate;

    And use as such:

    .state('myState', {
        url: '/something/{id}',
        resolve: {
            oneThing: function($state) {
                console.log($state.toParams, $;