I want to add a div on a click and automatically start the resize mouse ui functionality with the mousedown.
I can add the div easily, I have the resize functionality easy. But I can't figure out how to pass the mouse event and bind them so that the resize can start right away.
Imagine a painting like program so the div can be added and drawn by dragging the mouse...?
Thank you so much.
Because your divs are added to the DOM AFTER the initial event handlers are bound, .bind() won't work on the new elements. jQuery has a nifty .live() method which will do the same thing as .bind(), but to elements added to the DOM later on.
So, you could write something roughly like this:
$('.my_new_div').live('mousedown', my_resize_handler);
Edit: also look at the new .delegate() method. Very similar to .live() but more efficient.