I've got a UICollectionView
inheriting from MvxViewController
. It contains cells inheriting from MvxCollectionViewCell
. The data is bound to the source through CreateBindingSet() in UICollectionView
and I use DelayBind() to bind the data to the Cell when it's instantiated.
I've subclassed MvxCollectionViewSource
and overridden GetOrCreateCellFor()
method. Now whenever I load the data, the dequed cells retain old data.
I've considered 2 options:
Create a new Cell in GetOrCreateCellFor() method. It fails because I need to pass an IntPtr in the constructor and I can't create no-arg ctor due to the contract with MvxCollectionViewCell.
Update bindings when the Cell is displayed during WillDisplayCell()
. This doesn't work and the old data is shown.
Any way out of this?
Edit: Added code
-- ViewWillAppear of MyView : MvxViewController
public class MyView : MvxViewController{
// other stuff
public override void ViewWillAppear (bool animated)
var sourceOne = new MyCollectionViewSource (MyCollectionView, new NSString ("MyCollectionViewCell"));
MyCollectionView.Source = sourceOne;
var bindings = this.CreateBindingSet<MyView, MyViewModel> ();
bindings.Bind (sourceOne)
.To (vm => vm.ItemList);
bindings.Apply ();
MyCollectionView.ReloadData ();
-- MyCollectionViewSource : MvxCollectionViewSource
public MyCollectionViewSource : MvxCollectionViewSource{
protected override UICollectionViewCell GetOrCreateCellFor (UICollectionView collectionView, NSIndexPath indexPath, object item)
return collectionView.DequeueReusableCell (new NSString ("MyCollectionViewCell"), indexPath) as MyCollectionViewCell;
public override void WillDisplayCell (UICollectionView collectionView, UICollectionViewCell cell, NSIndexPath indexPath)
var cellz = cell as MyCollectionViewCell;
cellz.ClearAllBindings ();
cellz.BindUrl ();
-- The Cell
public partial class MyCollectionViewCell : MvxCollectionViewCell {
public MyCollectionViewCell (IntPtr handle) : base (handle)
public void BindUrl()
this.ClearAllBindings ();
this.DelayBind(() => {
.For(webView => webView.MyUrl)
.To<ListItemViewModel>(vm => vm.UrlEntryPoint)
Ok, so I've solved this issue by mixing couple of strategies.
Created a SelectedItemNo
property in the DataSource
In the Delegate method DecelerationEnded
I calculated the current index of the cell and change the CollectionView.SelectedItemNo property to match the current visible cell.