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Wildfly 8.2: component.CREATE is missing

I just updated my Wildfly-8.1.0.Final installation to 8.2.0.Final and deployed my WAR application and ran into deployment error. It said

ERROR [] (DeploymentScanner-threads - 2) 
      JBAS014613: Operation ("deploy") failed - address: ([("deployment" => "MYAPPNAME.war")]) -
      failure description: {"JBAS014771: Services with missing/unavailable dependencies" => [

and then listed all my EJBs in the following manner:

"jboss.deployment.unit.\"MYAPPNAME.war\".component.EJBNAME.CREATE is missing []"

When I rolled back to 8.1.0.Final everything worked as expected again.

All my EJBs are declared with @Stateless and there exists an empty beans.xml for CDI there aren't any other special configurations for EJB or CDI except compontents.xml with the following content:

    <component name="org.jboss.seam.core.init">
        <!-- JNDI name pattern for JBoss EJB 3.0 -->
        <property name="jndiPattern">#{ejbName}/local</property>

Has anyone encountered this case and could give me a hint how to resolve it?


  • Take a look at this Wildfly issue;

    This issue relates to;

    "WAR deployment fails on missing security domain dependency"

    and contains error traces in the log output that are similar in nature to the ones reported.

    Specifically, constructs like;


    should be replaced with;


    I had a similar issue and the advice in this issue rectified it for me.