Search code examples

ElasticSearch Delete bulk items

I'd like to delete all the documents of a certain type.

But this only works on versions 1.0 and higher:

curl -XDELETE 'http://localhost:9200/index/type/_query?pretty' -d 
    "query" : {
        "bool" : {
            "must" : [
                    "match_all" : {} 

I tried this on ES v1.4.x and it works fine. It's when I run in on ES v0.90.13 where it fails. Any help would be appreciated.


  • From the documentation looks like for elasticsearch verserion 0.90x the delete by query should not be nested in query term :

    i.e the above query should be as follows :

    curl -XDELETE 'http://localhost:9200/index/type/_query?pretty' -d 
            "bool" : {
                "must" : [
                        "match_all" : {} 

    However for version 1.X documentation does mention that for delete by query the query should be nested inside a query similar to search api.

    This is mentioned in the breaking changes of 1.0 release