I'm in need of help using a KryptonSeparator.
I would like to use the separator in the image below to resize the width of the left and right controls:
The problem is when I try to move the separator to the left then it creates a very disturbing visual effect, and more or less the same thing happens when I move the separator to the right, but to the left is much more appreciable (and horrible):
I think that I'm not using properly the eventargs of the KryptonSeparator
because when I move the separator to the left I'm basing the calculations using the separator's width instead the event data (because I don't know how to do it properly).
What modifications I should do in my code to fix the resizing problem?
Both the left and the right control has a MinimumSize
property assigned, I'm trying to stop the resize if MinimumSize.Width
is reached.
This is the source code, in VB.Net:
''' <summary>
''' Handles the SplitterMoving event of the KryptonSeparator1 control.
''' </summary>
Private Sub KryptonSeparator1_SplitterMoving(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As SplitterCancelEventArgs) _
Handles KryptonSeparator1.SplitterMoving
Dim separator As KryptonSeparator = DirectCast(sender, KryptonSeparator)
Dim leftCtrl As Control = Control1
Dim rightCtrl As Control = Control2
If (e.MouseCursorX > 0) _
AndAlso Not ((rightCtrl.Size.Width - e.MouseCursorX) < rightCtrl.MinimumSize.Width) Then
separator.Location = New Point(separator.Location.X + e.MouseCursorX, separator.Location.Y)
leftCtrl.Width += e.MouseCursorX
rightCtrl.Width -= e.MouseCursorX
rightCtrl.Left = separator.Right
ElseIf (e.MouseCursorX < 0) _
AndAlso Not ((leftCtrl.Size.Width + e.MouseCursorX - separator.Width) < leftCtrl.MinimumSize.Width) Then
separator.Location = New Point(separator.Location.X - separator.Width, separator.Location.Y)
leftCtrl.Width -= separator.Width
rightCtrl.Width += separator.Width
rightCtrl.Left = separator.Right
End If
End Sub
This is the source code, in C#:
/// Handles the SplitterMoving event of the KryptonSeparator1 control.
/// </summary>
private void KryptonSeparator1_SplitterMoving(object sender, SplitterCancelEventArgs e)
KryptonSeparator separator = (KryptonSeparator)sender;
FolderView leftCtrl = this.FolderView_Files;
KryptonListBox rightCtrl = this.KryptonListBox_Files;
if ((e.MouseCursorX > 0) && !((rightCtrl.Size.Width - e.MouseCursorX) < rightCtrl.MinimumSize.Width)) {
separator.Location = new Point(separator.Location.X + e.MouseCursorX, separator.Location.Y);
leftCtrl.Width += e.MouseCursorX;
rightCtrl.Width -= e.MouseCursorX;
rightCtrl.Left = separator.Right;
} else if ((e.MouseCursorX < 0) && !((leftCtrl.Size.Width + e.MouseCursorX - separator.Width) < leftCtrl.MinimumSize.Width)) {
separator.Location = new Point(separator.Location.X - separator.Width, separator.Location.Y);
leftCtrl.Width -= separator.Width;
rightCtrl.Width += separator.Width;
rightCtrl.Left = separator.Right;
//Service provided by Telerik (
I've updated the codes above to simplify the reading, and I'm sharing this new video where you can see the design problem:
First, you need to get where the user clicked before the dragging,mouse down event of splitter control
and total width
of three controls:
Private mouse_Down As Point //you can use an integer also because y coordinate remains the same
Private totalWidth As Integer
//mouse down event
mouse_Down.X = e.MouseCursorX
totalWidth = seperator.Width + LeftControl.Width + RightControl.Width
Private Sub KryptonSeparator1_SplitterMoving(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As SplitterCancelEventArgs) Handles KryptonSeparator1.SplitterMoving
Dim separator As KryptonSeparator = DirectCast(sender, KryptonSeparator)
Dim leftCtrl As Control = Control1
Dim rightCtrl As Control = Control2
Dim leftWidth, rightWidth As Integer
leftWidth = leftCtrl.Width + (e.MouseCursorX - mouse_Down.X)
rightWidth = rightCtrl.Width - (e.MouseCursorX - mouse_Down.X)
If leftWidth <= leftCtrl.MinimumSize.Width Then
leftCtrl.Width = leftCtrl.MinimumSize.Width
separator.Left = leftCtrl.Left + leftCtrl.MinimumSize.Width
rightCtrl.Left = leftCtrl.Left + leftCtrl.MinimumSize.Width + separator.Width
rightCtrl.Width = totalWidth - leftCtrl.MinimumSize.Width - separator.Width
End If
If rightWidth <= rightCtrl.MinimumSize.Width Then
leftCtrl.Width = totalWidth - rightCtrl.MinimumSize.Width - separator.Width
separator.Left = leftCtrl.Left + leftCtrl.Width
rightCtrl.Left = leftCtrl.Left + leftCtrl.Width + separator.Width
rightCtrl.Width = rightCtrl.MinimumSize.Width
End If
separator.Left += (e.MouseCursorX - mouse_Down.X)
leftCtrl.Width = leftWidth
rightCtrl.Width = rightWidth
rightCtrl.Left = leftCtrl.Left + leftWidth + separator.Width
End Sub
Try this:
//mouse down event
//mouse_Down.X = e.MouseCursorX
mouse_Down.X = MousePosition.X
mouse_Down.Y = MousePosition.Y
mouse_Down = seperator.PointToClient(mouse_Down)
totalWidth = seperator.Width + LeftControl.Width + RightControl.Width
and in SplitterMoving
Dim leftWidth, rightWidth As Integer
Dim pnt As Point
pnt.X = MousePosition.X
pnt.Y = MousePosition.Y
pnt = seperator.PointToClient(pnt)
//replace e.MouseCursorX with pnt.X
Your logic of resizing the two windows have two minor bugs:
to determine the direction of the resizing(left or right) is wrong, eg you move the cursor to the left(left direction),
remaining inside the separator, e.MouseCursorX
is still positive, so you are resizing to the right(until of course e.MouseCursorX becomes negative)
instead of left !My solution solves both of these situations. However, the real issue of your horible effect as you said is not these two bugs. It is actually, the way too slow responsiveness of the application, when you resize the controls. To be more specific, when you resize and move the right control(ListBox_Files). You can check it your self if you drag and drop a small number(1 or 2) of files and see the result. It is a tremendous difference. That unfortunately tells me that you can not do anything about it. You need to change the logic of the resize. Two solutions: