Sorry, for the strange question formulation. If somebody has an idea how to make it better, I will be happy. Lest imagine we have 3 boolean variable:
boolean a = false;
boolean b = false;
boolean c = false;
Java allows to write the folowing:
System.out.println(a==b & a==c);
And from this two statements I expected that the following is legal, too.
System.out.println(a=b & a=c);
My question is: why in the second case it isn't allowed, when it is allowed in the first one? In the second case both assignments resolved in boolean and & looks legal for me.
This is because =
has a lower priority than &
(which, by the way, is a boolean operator in your snippets and not a bitwise operator; it is the same as &&
except that it does not short circuit).
Therefore your expression reads (with parens):
a = (b & a) = c
But you can't assign c
to b & a