There is a title window including a '' named 'mainTab', add all childrens under it are added dynamic just like below.
createPlanAppTab: function (planId) {
var me = this;
var tab = me.down("tabpanel#mainTab");
me.action.qryJsPlanAppListEdit(planId, function (result) {
if (Ext.isEmpty(result)) {
var tabList = [];
result.forEach(function (planAppExDto, index) {
var typeCode = planAppExDto.typeCode;
// was,docker
if (JsServiceConstants.TYPE_CODE_WAS == typeCode || JsServiceConstants.TYPE_CODE_DOCKER == typeCode) {
tabList[index] = {
xtype: 'jsPlanAppCompTab',
title: planAppExDto.appName,
border: false,
closable: true,
planAppExDto: planAppExDto
// other app
else {
tabList[index] = {
xtype: 'jsPlanAppAttrValueCompTab',
title: planAppExDto.appName,
border: false,
closable: true,
planAppExDto: planAppExDto
The xtype of the children is 'jsPlanAppCompTab' or 'jsPlanAppAttrValueCompTab'. the child component is initialized like below, the component listener on 'afterrender' event to initialize data.
initComponent: function () {
var me = this;
'afterrender': {
fn: me.initData,
scope: this,
single: true
initData: function () {
var me = this;
var planAppExDto = me.planAppExDto;
var planAppId = planAppExDto.planAppId;
// edit:attr_value
var attrForm = me.down('ztesoftSmartForm#attrForm');
if (!Ext.isEmpty(planAppId)) {
var action = Ext.create("ZTEsoft.action.JsVersionAction");
action.qryJsPlanAppAttrValueList(planAppId, function (result) {
// add : query js_app_type_attr for initialize
else {
var typeAction = Ext.create("ZTEsoft.action.JsAppTypeAction");
var appTypeId = planAppExDto.appTypeId;
typeAction.qryJsAppTypeAttrListByAppTypeIdForm(appTypeId, function (result) {
getData: function () {
var me = this;
var attrForm = me.down('ztesoftSmartForm#attrForm');
var jsPlanAppExDto = me.planAppExDto;
var attrValueList = attrForm.getData();
if (!Ext.isEmpty(attrValueList)) {
attrValueList.forEach(function (item) {
item.value = item.attrValue;
jsPlanAppExDto.jsPlanAppAttrValueList = attrValueList;
return jsPlanAppExDto;
The problem is when a save the title window, i need to get all children's data. the function getData below is of 'jsVersionWin', in the function, it gets each children's getData function again to get data. if i do not click each child tab, then the child tab component 'JsPlanAppCompTab' don't render,so the function getData of JsPlanAppCompTab is null.
when i click each child tab. then component 'JsPlanAppCompTab' can return the corrent data. How can i let the all children to render, and i can get all correct data without click every child component?
// This is the problem place!!
getData: function () {
var me = this;
// plan app list
var planAppExDtoList = [];
var tab = me.down("tabpanel#mainTab");
tab.items.each(function (item) {
var planAppExDto = item.getData();
versionReqDto.jsPlanAppExDtoList = planAppExDtoList;
return versionReqDto;
Set deferredRender: false
on the tabpanel.
Detail see here