Is it possible to get the currency code of the country, where the user and device is. i want to set the country code of the present country of the user as default country. Do we have a solution for this in android ?
As this piece of code might be helpfull for you ,
public class CurrencyTest {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Locale defaultLocale = Locale.getDefault();
Locale swedishLocale = new Locale("sv", "SE");
public static void displayCurrencyInfoForLocale(Locale locale) {
System.out.println("Locale: " + locale.getDisplayName());
Currency currency = Currency.getInstance(locale);
System.out.println("Currency Code: " + currency.getCurrencyCode());
System.out.println("Symbol: " + currency.getSymbol());
System.out.println("Default Fraction Digits: " + currency.getDefaultFractionDigits());