I'm trying to build a LINQ expression, to filter values from a int property:
protected IQueryable<T> Some(IEnumerable<int> ids)
var parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "x");
// "Col_id" (int property)
var property = Expression.Property(parameter, "Col_id");
MethodInfo method = typeof(Enumerable).
Where(x => x.Name == "Contains").
Single(x => x.GetParameters().Length == 2).
// ids = { 2, 4, 8 } etc...
var value = Expression.Constant(ids, typeof(IEnumerable<int>));
var containsMethod = Expression.Call(method, property, value); // exception
var aDelegate = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(containsMethod, parameter);
table = myDataContext.GetTable<T>();
return table.AsQueryable().Where(aDelegate);
I'm trying to get something like: (x => ids.Contains(x.Col_id))
, but an exception is thrown:
Expression of type 'System.Int32' cannot be used for type parameter 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable'1[T] from 'Boolean Contains[T](System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable'1[T], T)' method
It looks to me like you've just got the arguments the wrong way round.
Expression.Call(method, property, value)
means that you're calling:
Enumerable.Contains(x.Col_id, ids)
whereas you want
Enumerable.Contains(ids, x.Col_id)
So just try:
var containsMethod = Expression.Call(method, value, property);
EDIT: Next, you're building the wrong Contains
type argument, I think. I suspect you want:
MethodInfo method = typeof(Enumerable).
Where(x => x.Name == "Contains").
Single(x => x.GetParameters().Length == 2).
After all, you want to call Enumerable.Contains<int>
, not Enumerable.Contains<SomeType>