I was using cordova and pushing that to Phonegap build. It worked, allthough PGB told me I was using an old version - a setting there I couldnt change.
I've upgraded to Cordova 4 now, a version PGB apparently doesnt support.
So, they have different lifecycles ? Do they use the same version numbers at all ? Should we stop using cordova and start using the phonegap cli if we want to use Phonegap Build ?
Cordova 4 is the version of the CLI, each platform has it's own version now. It seems that phonegap doesn't support choosing the version for each platform yet, so you have to choose a commom version for all of them (latest seems to be 3.6.3)
But yes, if you use phonegap build you should use phonegap CLI, not cordova CLI, as phonegap CLI allows you to push the app directly from the CLI
If you just upload your www folder to the phonegap build page, then it doesn't matter if you use cordova, phonegap or none at all, you just have to send the propper config.xml telling phonegap build which phonegap version to use