I am trying to understand Object.getNotifier(object).performChange
. Conceptually I understand that it is designed for defining "macro" or higher level changes. From the example everyone seems to refer to:
increment: function(amount) {
var notifier = Object.getNotifier(this);
notifier.performChange(Thingy.INCREMENT, function() {
this.a += amount;
this.b += amount;
}, this);
object: this,
type: Thingy.INCREMENT,
incremented: amount
What I do not understand is, how is this different from simply executing the anonymous function passed to notifier.performChange
directly, instead of as a callback? In other words, how does it differ from the below:
increment: function(amount) {
var notifier = Object.getNotifier(this);
this.a += amount;
this.b += amount;
object: this,
type: Thingy.INCREMENT,
incremented: amount
I have seen that in the latest spec, notifier.performChange
may return an object, which is then issued as a notification, as in:
notifier.performChange(Thing.INCREMENT, function() {
this.a += amount;
this.b += amount;
// a notification is issues with this return value,
// including the type passed to notifier.performChange,
// and the object underlying notifier.
return {incremented: amount};
That eliminates the need for the following notifier.notify
in the original code, but still, is this something other than sugar, or is there a functional difference between this and just making the changes and issuing the notification yourself?
After an hour of doing a lot of testing I finally figured it out. I had the same question (what is performChange
for?), and also the same idea to just take that off and call
this.a += amount;
this.b += amount;
However: the point of notifier.performChange
is so that the observer does not observe each change.
I was testing it like this:
var obj = {
x: 5,
y: 10
function noti() {
console.log('noti start');
var notifier = Object.getNotifier(obj);
notifier.performChange('ok', function() {
type: 'ok',
oldValue: 5
console.log('noti end');
function noti2() {
console.log('noti2 start');
var notifier = Object.getNotifier(obj);
type: 'ok',
oldValue: 5
console.log('noti2 end');
function observer(changes) {
for (var change of changes) {
console.log('observer: change =', change, ' newValue=', change.object[change.name]);
Object.observe(obj, observer, ['ok', 'update']);
console.log('calling noti2()');
noti2(); //will log the changes of update twice becuase of the x and y property of obj
// add delay manually because observer calls are asynchronous and
// we want to clearly separate the notification function calls in our logs
setTimeout(function() {
console.log('calling noti()');
noti(); //will only log the ok type. that's what they mean by big change
//so everything you do inside the performChange won't be observed
}, 100);
It should return the following console output:
calling noti2()
noti2 start
noti2 end
observer: change = Object {type: "update", object: Object, name: "x", oldValue: 5} newValue= 6
observer: change = Object {type: "update", object: Object, name: "y", oldValue: 10} newValue= 11
observer: change = Object {object: Object, type: "ok", oldValue: 5} newValue= undefined
calling noti()
noti start
noti end
observer: change = Object {object: Object, type: "ok", oldValue: 5} newValue= undefined