I am following the datamaps docs and I am trying to set an onClick listener to the bubbles I am rendering on the svg. Now, the svg div has the following sub tags:
<g id class="datamaps-subunits">..</g>
<g id class="bubbles">..</g>
The docs say this should be done in the following way, for the countries listed on the map:
done: function(datamap) {
datamap.svg.selectAll('.datamaps-subunits').on('click', function() {
And this works fine, while trying to click on particular regions on the map.
Trying to attach the same listener to bubbles class does nothing..
done: function(datamap) {
datamap.svg.selectAll('.bubbles').on('click', function() {
By the time done
runs, bubbles
haven't been added yet since bubbles
is a plugin.
new Datamap
returns an object with a d3 selection at svg
var map = new Datamap({...});
//add bubbles
//handle bubble clicks
map.svg.selectAll('.bubbles').on('click', function() {...});
That should work for the first batch of bubbles.
If you are dynamically adding bubbles and don't want to reset the listeners, you can use jQuery event delegation to handle the dynamic bubbles:
$(map.svg[0][0]).on('click', '.bubbles', function(e) {
//handle click here as well