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Attach new object to custom validator in Wicket

I have such custom validator:

public class PeriodClosedValidator implements IValidator<Date>{

    private Date dateStart;
    private Date dateEnd;

    public PeriodClosedValidator(Date dateStart, Date dateEnd) {
        this.dateStart = dateStart;
        this.dateEnd = dateEnd;

    public void validate(IValidatable<Date> iv) {

        DateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd.MM.yy");

        DimCalendarDAO dimCalendarDao = new DimCalendarDAO(DimCalendar.class,      HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory());
        List<DimCalendar> list = dimCalendarDao.getOpenedOperDates(dateStart, dateEnd);
        StringBuilder errorMessage = new StringBuilder();
        int counter = 10;

        for (DimCalendar cal : list) {
            if (counter == 0) {
                counter = 10;
        if (errorMessage.length() != 0) {
            ValidationError valError = new ValidationError();
            valError.setVariable("dates", errorMessage.substring(1));

where I check closing operation dates. (is there some info for such period). Then I have form, where I attach that validator:

public class Frm_2_11A extends BasePage{

    private DimPeriod periodPtr;
    private DimRegion regionPtr;

    private final List<DimPeriod> periodList;
    private final List<DimRegion> regionList;

    private IModel<DimPeriod> periodModel = new PropertyModel<DimPeriod>(this, "periodPtr");
    private IModel<DimRegion> regionModel = new PropertyModel<DimRegion>(this, "regionPtr");

    public Frm_2_11A() {

        periodList = // get list of period;
        regionList = // get list of region;

        periodModel.setObject(new DimPeriod());

        DropDownChoice period = new DropDownChoice("period", periodModel, periodList, new ChoiceRenderer<DimPeriod>("periodName", "id"));
        period.add(new PeriodClosedValidator(periodModel.getObject().getPeriodStart(), periodModel.getObject().getPeriodEnd()));

        DropDownChoice region = new DropDownChoice("region", regionModel, regionList, new ChoiceRenderer<DimRegion>("name", "code"));

        Form form = new Form("frm_2_11A"){
            //do something if OK
        add(new FeedbackPanel("feedback"));


the problem is, PeriodClosedValidator always take just one object in code periodModel.setObject(new DimPeriod());. How I can attach to custom validator new chosen object?

UPDATE How I can make custom validator? I want create something like that:

DropDownChoice period = new DropDownChoice("period", periodModel, periodList, new ChoiceRenderer<DimPeriod>("periodName", "id"));
period.add(new MyCustomValidator(param1, param2));

Where param1 and param2 some dates, which I want to validate.


  • Since your form has a selector giving a DimPeriod, you need to make a validator for that.

    Your validator class should be something like:

    public class DimPeriodValidator implements IValidator<DimPeriod> {
        public void validate(IValidatable<DimPeriod> validatable) {
            //Validation logic here

    where I've skipped trying to actually write the validation. It's probably similar to what you've got, but getting the dates from DimPeriod object inside the validatable argument.