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JSR269 annotation processing getElementsAnnotatedWith() return all the annotated elements each loop and cannot distinguish it belongs to which type

Recently, I have been intersted with the JSR-269 annotation processing and I want to write a lib to eliminate some boilerplate code with it, such as json processing. I really generate the code, then, however, I encounter a fatal problem and spent a lot of time but could not slove it.

The problem is, the RoundEnvironment.getElementsAnnotatedWith() method alway return all the elements annotated with the annotation, I cannot tistinguish which one comes from a specific class. Maybe the problem isn' t clear. I show you the code below.

public @interface JsonObject {

public @interface JsonField {
  String value() default "";

public class Name {
  @JsonField("last") public  String last;
  @JsonField("first") public String first;

public class User {
  @JsonField("age") public int age;
  @JsonField("name") public String name;
  @JsonField("sex") public boolean sex;

the fisrt 2 are the annotation, JsonObject indicates that the annotated type is an JsonObject and JsonField indicates that the annotated field is an json field.

the latter 2 are the sample POJO class that I want to gennerate json-parse code.

in the Processor class, the AbstractProcessor.process(Set<? extends TypeElement> annotations, RoundEnvironment roundEnv) method, when I call roundEnv.roundEnv.getElementsAnnotatedWith(JsonField.class) each type(Name, User) in a loop, the return result is all the json field, in the sample above, the result is ["last", "first", "age", "name", "sex"]. In this situatin, I cannot distinguish which field belongs to which POJO.

May be the words cannot explain what I mean. Here is what I do in the process method.

// the set[Name, User]
Set<? extends Element> jsonObjects = roundEnv.getElementsAnnotatedWith(JsonObject.class);
for (Element jsonObject : jsonObjects) {
  // the set[last, first, age, name, sex], **THIS IS THE PROBLEM**
  Set<? extends Element> annotatedElements = roundEnv.getElementsAnnotatedWith(JsonField.class);
  // other stuff...

Feel free to ask me anything I didn' t mention or not clear. Any suggestion is appreciated, Thanks in advance!


  • You can build a collection of your json object elements by calling the getElementsAnnotatedWith(JsonField.class) method and filering the result based on the annotation of the enclosing element.

    Here is a complete example (using runtime annotation processing for simplicity):

    public class ElementFilterProcessor extends AbstractProcessor {
        public static @interface JsonObject {}
        public static @interface JsonField { String value(); }
        public class Name {
            @JsonField("last") public  String last;
            @JsonField("first") public String first;
        public class User {
            @JsonField("age") public int age;
            @JsonField("name") public String name;
            @JsonField("sex") public boolean sex;
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            JavaCompiler compiler = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler();
            final JavaCompiler.CompilationTask task = compiler.getTask(
            task.setProcessors(Collections.singleton(new ElementFilterProcessor()));
        public boolean process(
                final Set<? extends TypeElement> annotations, final RoundEnvironment roundEnv) {
            if (roundEnv.processingOver()) {
                return true;
            final Set<? extends Element> jsonFields =
            final Map<Element, List<Element>> jsonObjects = new HashMap<>();
            for (final Element element : jsonFields) {
                final Element classElement = element.getEnclosingElement();
                if (classElement.getAnnotation(JsonObject.class) != null) {
                    List<Element> list = jsonObjects.get(classElement);
                    if (list == null) {
                        list = new ArrayList<>();
                        jsonObjects.put(classElement, list);
            return false;


    {stackoverflow.annotation.ElementFilterProcessor.User=[age, name, sex], stackoverflow.annotation.ElementFilterProcessor.Name=[last, first]}

    I'd also recommend to rather consider using a third-party library for mapping Java objects to JSON. For example, the Jackson processor