I have a select list looking like this:
ng-options="location.place group by location.type for location in locationlist | orderBy:['type']"
<option value="">From</option>
The last item of the ng-options list is called "Add location", and triggers the following function through ng-change:
$scope.addMissingLocation = function (locationList) {
if (locationList.place == "Add location") {
A modal shows, and it allows the user to add a new location using the following function:
$scope.addLocationOtherExtra = function () {
$scope.locationlist.push({ place: $scope.formLocationOther, type: "-Secondary Locations", main:false});
$scope.formLocationOther = '';
What I am trying to accomplish, is that once the user introduces a new location and the modal closes, the selected value in the select, is this newly added value.
I'm not even sure if such thing is possible.
Any tips?
After adding new option you should point ngModel to added option. Try this to select the last option (new one):
$scope.addLocationOtherExtra = function () {
$scope.locationlist.push({ place: $scope.formLocationOther, type: "-Secondary Locations", main:false});
$scope.locationList = $scope.locationlist[$scope.locationlist.length - 1];
$scope.formLocationOther = '';