Update: This seems to be a problem with apache since it happens to other none magento/compass projects
The compilation itself does not run into any trouble. However with the following considerations the browser does not allways show the changes I have made to the scss file
-Browser cache disabled
-Magento cache disabled
-Apache2 reloaded
-Compass output correct in terminal
I compile sass with compass with the command:
compass watch
What gives? Why are not the changes I make showed every time but only sometimes?
Here is the output logg of the
Change detected at 02:52:38 to: styles.scss overwrite ../css/styles.css Change detected at 02:52:54 to: styles.scss overwrite ../css/styles.css
Change detected at 02:53:16 to: styles.scss overwrite ../css/styles.css
Even with this output nothing changed but if I wait for a while the changes will come through...
This is the config.rb file:
# note: this should never truly be refernced since we are using relative assets
http_path = "/skin/frontend/electrotheme/default/"
css_dir = "../css"
sass_dir = "../scss"
images_dir = "../images"
javascripts_dir = "../js"
relative_assets = true
output_style = :compressed
environment = :production
The error here is in the lamp installation, after reinstalling lamp on my ubuntu operation system it works just fine now to run
compass watch
The compilation is almost imidiate when I save.