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Read multiline value in ANTLR untill a special symbol occurs

How can i read a multiline text in ANTLR untill a special symbol occurs. Like as in below text:-

Hi There I am.

I need to read it as key -> @Description and value -> "Hi There I am".

I tried it with following grammar

 : '@' [a-zA-Z] (~[(\r\n] | '\\)')*

 : '(' ~[\r\n]*

I tried many variations of VALUE grammar but no luck.


  • You're likely confused by the lexer/parser separation here. You did only provide a single example, but I can infer the following:

    declaration: KEY '(' STRING ')' ;
    KEY : '@' [a-zA-Z]+ ;
    STRING: '"' (~'"')* '"' ;
    WS: [ \t\r\n] -> skip;

    declaration is a parser rule. It consists of a KEY (@ followed by letters), an opening parenthesis, a STRING (any text between quotes), and a closing parenthesis. KEY and STRING are the lexer rules.

    Be aware that the STRING rule above won't let you escape characters. If you need to be able to escape a quote with a backslash (and also a backslash with a backslash), use the following rule instead:

    STRING: '"' ('\\' ["\\] | ~'"')* '"'