I have this class CustomFileStream, below is its signature
public class CustomFileStream : IRandomAccessStream {}
But when I use it like this,
IAsyncOperation<IRandomAccessStream> IStorageFile.OpenAsync(FileAccessMode accessMode)
return Task.Factory.StartNew(() => new CustomFileStream()).AsAsyncOperation();
I get a compilation error,
Cannot implicitly convert type 'Windows.Foundation.IAsyncOperation<CustomFileStream>'
Can someone please see if I am doing something wrong here.
This isn't possible due to the fact that IAsyncOperation<T>
isn't covariant
Covariance enables you to use a more derived type than that specified by the generic parameter. This allows for implicit conversion of classes that implement variant interfaces and implicit conversion of delegate types.
A covaraint interface is declared with the out
modifier added to it in the generic type declaration, so as IEnumerable<out T>
To get around your problem, you can explicitly cast the returned instance back to an IRandomAccessStream
return Task.Factory.StartNew(() => (IRandomAccessStream)new CustomFileStream()).AsAsyncOperation();
As a side note - using Task.Factory.StartNew
to imitate asynchoronous behavior is bad practice. You shouldn't expose async wrappers over sync method calls