Supposing I have a controller method that uses i18n to set flash.message
def someMethod(){
// ...
flash.message = message(code: 'label.generic.delete.ok.message', default: 'Delete OK')
// ...
When I want to write an integration test to test this controller, I can't seem to find how to test the value of that message.
My problem is that I do not want to hard code the message in the test by doing something like this
assert controller.flash.message == "Delete successfull"
I'd rather do something like this
assert controller.flash.message == message(code: 'label.generic.delete.ok.message')
This throws a groovy.lang.missingMethodException
I've looked at other answers here but the only solutions were given for unit tests.
I'm using grails 2.2.4
Does anyone know how to access message()
in integration tests?
You can test i18 messages in integration test as:
inject the bean messageSource
in test spec and call getMessage(String code, Object[] args, Locale locale)
code: to lookup up, such as 'calculator.noRateSet' and
args: Array of arguments that will be filled in for params within the message in your case it can be set as null
locale: the Locale in which to do the lookup e.g
messageSource.getMessage('calculator.noRateSet', null, controller.request.getLocale())