My project refers to the generated file that Maven generates in:
Which is included (in a Jar) as a dependency in another project. When I build / package the main project with Maven outside of Eclipse, the dependency Jar is built as expected (containing the file) and all is well.
However, when I build / run the same (parent) project within Eclipse, it's not there. What am I missing?
Using Eclipse, a Jar library of the dependency is there (in the lib folder), containing everything except the Maven generated files. So in my case:
~~~ snip ~~~
The dependency project exists in the same workspace and I have "Workspace Resolution" enabled.
Looking at the build target folder in Eclipse (\target\classes), I can see all the files that Eclipse uses for the Jar, so I can only assume that Eclipse treats it as a "regular" Java project (despite the parent project listing it as a Maven dependency in the POM) - so Maven doesn't get involved in the packaging.
How can I get Eclipse to treat the project dependency as a Maven project / so that the generated will be included in the Jar used by the parent project?
For the parent (War) project, the following structure is generated whenever I use Eclipse to build the project (using "Build Project" or "Build Automatically" not "Maven build"):
This is referenced in the Eclipse deployment assembly:
<wb-resource deploy-path="/" source-path="/target/m2e-wtp/web-resources"/>
So that when the War is deployed to Tomcat, the META-INF\maven... structure exists at the root of the archive.
The dependency / Jar project obviously has the same "Deployment Assembly" facility in Eclipse, so I just need to figure out what creates the m2e-wtp folder on build and apply it to that project too.
Actually, I don't think you can with the default Eclipse Jar-Export.
The best you can do if you want to do it from within Eclipse is to have a Maven Build
run configuration which doesn't do much differently than using Maven outside Eclipse. But at least you have a button in Eclipse to click do generate the jar, if that's the main reason. But the normal Eclipse functionality to produce a jar (File > Export...) ignores all Maven settings.
Workspace Resolution
only works for compiling and running code, but not for other Maven functionality.