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Minizinc: output for five days,there is a better flexible way?

I have to extend the output and the solution of my project (make an exams scheduling):

-Extend the structure to five days (I have always worked on one day): I thought about moltiply the number of days for slotstimes (5*10) and then I tune the output! Is there a better way?

Now the whole code:

include "globals.mzn";include "alldifferent.mzn";

int: Students;          % number of students
int: Exams;             % number of exams
int: Rooms;             % number of rooms
int: Slotstime;         % number of slots
int: Days;              % a period i.e. five days
int: Exam_max_duration; % the maximum length of any exam (in slots)

array[1..Rooms] of int  : Rooms_capacity;
array[1..Exams] of int  : Exams_duration; % the duration of written test
array[1..Slotstime, 1..Rooms] of 0..1: Unavailability;
array[1..Students,1..Exams]   of 0..1: Enrollments;

Enrollments keeps track of the registrations for every student; from this I obtain the number of students which will be at the exam, in order to choose the right room according to the capacity

array[1..Slotstime,1..Rooms] of var 0..Exams: Timetable_exams;
array[1..Exams] of var 1..Rooms: ExamsRoom;
array[1..Exams] of var 1..Slotstime: ExamsStart;


% Calculate the number of subscribers and assign classroom 
% according to time and capacity 

constraint forall (e in 1..Exams,r in 1..Rooms,s in 1..Slotstime)               
(if Rooms_capacity[r] <= sum([bool2int(Enrollments[st,e]>0)| st in 1..Students])
  then Timetable_exams[s,r] != e  
  else true

% Unavailability OK
constraint forall(c in 1..Slotstime, p in 1..Rooms)
(if Unavailability[c,p] == 1
  then Timetable_exams[c,p] = 0
  else true

% Assignment exams according with rooms and slotstimes   (Thanks Hakan)     
constraint forall(e in 1..Exams)                 % for each exam
(exists(r in 1..Rooms)                           % find a room
  ( ExamsRoom[e] = r         /\                  % assign the room to the exam
    forall(t in 0..Exams_duration[e]-1)               
% assign the exam to the slotstimes and room in the timetable
    (Timetable_exams[t+ExamsStart[e],r] = e)
/\ % ensure that we have the correct number of exam slots

sum(Exams_duration) = sum([bool2int(Timetable_exams[t,r]>0) | t in 1..Slotstime, 
r in 1..Rooms]);


solve satisfy;

%   solve::int_search([Timetable_exams[s, a] | s in 1..Slotstime, a in    
%   1..Rooms],first_fail,indomain_min,complete) satisfy;

And now the output, extremely heavy and full of strings.


output ["\n" ++ "MiniZinc paper: Exams schedule " ++ "\n" ]
++["\nDay I \n"]++      
if r=1 then "\n" else " " endif ++
| t in 1..Slotstime div Days, r in 1..Rooms
++["\n\nDay II \n"]++ 
if r=1 then "\n" else " " endif ++
| t in 11..((Slotstime div Days)*2), r in 1..Rooms
++["\n\nDay III \n"]++ 
if r=1 then "\n" else " " endif ++
| t in 21..((Slotstime div Days)*3), r in 1..Rooms
++["\n\nDay IV \n"]++ 
if r=1 then "\n" else " " endif ++
| t in 31..((Slotstime div Days)*4), r in 1..Rooms
++["\n\nDay V \n"]++ 
if r=1 then "\n" else " " endif ++
| t in 41..Slotstime, r in 1..Rooms
++[ "\n"]++
"\nExams_Room:   ", show(ExamsRoom), "\n",
"Exams_Start:  ", show(ExamsStart), "\n",
++["Participants: "]++
if e=Exams then " " else " " endif ++
show (sum([bool2int(Enrollments[st,e]>0)| st in 1..Students]))
|e in 1..Exams

I finish with data:


% Exams
Exams = 5;
Exams_duration = [4,1,2,3,2]; 

% Rooms
Rooms = 4;
Rooms_capacity   = [20,30,40,50];

Unavailability = [|0,0,0,0           % Rooms rows % Slotstime columns
                                      % End first day
                                      % End secon day
                                      % End third day
                                     %  End fourth day
                                       %End fifth day

Enrollments= [|1,0,1,0,1        % Exams rows %Students columns              

Thanks in advance


  • For the output section, the following code should work. I only changed the Day schedule, the rest is unchanged.

    output ["\n" ++ "MiniZinc paper: Exams schedule " ++ "\n" ]
       if t mod 10 = 1 /\ r = 1 then
          "\n\nDay " ++ show(d) ++ " \n"
       else  "" endif ++
       if r=1 then "\n" else " " endif ++
    | d in 1..Days, t in 1+(d-1)*10..(Slotstime div Days)*d, r in 1..Rooms,
    ++[ "\n"]++
    "\nExams_Room:   ", show(ExamsRoom), "\n",
    "Exams_Start:  ", show(ExamsStart), "\n",
    ++["Participants: "]++
    if e=Exams then " " else " " endif ++
       show (sum([bool2int(Enrollments[st,e]>0)| st in 1..Students]))
    |e in 1..Exams

    If it's a requirement that the days should be numbered with "I","II", etc then you can define a string array with the day names, e.g.

     array[1..Days] of string: DaysStr = ["I","II","III","IV","V"];

    and then use it in the output loop:

     % ....  
       if t mod 10 = 1 /\ r = 1 then
          "\n\nDay " ++ DaysStr[d] ++ " \n"  % <---
       else  "" endif ++
     % .... 

    Later update:

    One other thing to make the model a little more general (and smaller) is to replace the huge Unavailability matrix (and the constraint using it) with this:

     set of int: UnavailabilitySlots = {5,6};
     % ....
         forall(c in 1..Slotstime, p in 1..Rooms) (
           if c mod 10 in UnavailabilitySlots then 
              Timetable_exams[c,p] = 0

    Yet another comment:

    The original model has a flaw in that it allow exams that will be over two days, e.g. the 2 last hours of day I and the first 2 hours of day II. I think the following extra (and not so pretty) constraint will fix that. Again, the magic "10" is used.

       % do not pass over a day limit
       forall(e in 1..Exams) (
            not(exists(t in 1..Exams_duration[e]-1) (
               (ExamsStart[e]+t-1) mod 10 > (ExamsStart[e]+t) mod 10