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Uploading File in DAM Programmatically using AssetManager? What MimeType should I use?

I have a form that uploads a File to a SlingServlet. The SlingSerlvet receives the file and it tries to save the file in DAM using Save file in DAM programmatically)

The problem arises with MIME types. The user may upload a pdf,xls, doc etc. so the Type is not fixed. I don't know what to set the MIME type as(see the third parameter xxx) assetMgr.createAsset(newFile, is,"xxx", true);

I tried "application/octet-stream" but CQ ignores the Type saying asset ignored.


27.11.2014 18:58:48.595 *INFO* [JobHandler: /etc/workflow/instances/2014-11-27/model_879500607401687:/content/dam/videojetdocuments/videojetdocuments/offerletters/Präsentation_Dominik_Suess.pdf/jcr:content/renditions/original] execute: asset [/content/dam/videojetdocuments/videojetdocuments/offerletters/Präsentation_Dominik_Suess.pdf] is not of a video mime type, asset ignored.
27.11.2014 18:58:48.596 *INFO* [JobHandler: /etc/workflow/instances/2014-11-27/model_879500607401687:/content/dam/videojetdocuments/videojetdocuments/offerletters/Präsentation_Dominik_Suess.pdf/jcr:content/renditions/original] execute: asset [/content/dam/videojetdocuments/videojetdocuments/offerletters/Präsentation_Dominik_Suess.pdf] is not of a video mime type, asset ignored.

I tried this using the following link

Is there any generic MIME Type for such type of Files?


  • You can use the Apache Sling MimeTypeService to compute the mimetype based on an incoming filename. See also

    If you don't have the filename you'll need something like the Apache Tika Detector, which analyzes the binary to try to guess its mimetype. I don't know if CQ provides such a service out of the box, but if it doesn't you could integrate it yourself.


    API that checks the MIMEType based on Magic headers Link

    Helpful link for understanding the above mentioned problem Link