I am creating an application using Griffon->SwingBuilder. I would like to able to center the application on the desktop.
I know we have the 'location: [x,y]' argument we can provide on application creation. Is there anyway to access desktop properties to calculate the center?
For various reasons you cannot do it inline. Here is one way to center
import java.awt.*
import groovy.swing.*
sb = new SwingBuilder()
sb.build {
f = frame(pack:true) {
label "<html>" + (("This is a very long label."*3) + "<BR>")*5
Point cp = GraphicsEnvironment.localGraphicsEnvironment.centerPoint
f.location = new Point((int)(cp.x - f.width), (int) (cp.y - f.height))
The reason you cannot set it in the attributes is that when the attributes are evaluated a child node has not yet been created or stored anywhere. One alternative is to set it as part of the child content block:
label "<html>" + (("This is a very long label."*3) + "<BR>")*5
Point cp = GraphicsEnvironment.localGraphicsEnvironment.centerPoint
current.location = new Point((int)(cp.x -current.width/2), (int)(cp.y - current.height/2))
(current is a meta-variable for the containing node).