Are you aware of any guide / tutorial / example project that might help me embed the jBPM web designer in an existing web application? Namely:
Thanks in advance for any hint.
I finally found out how to do it.
What you need is a running instance of the KIE workbench (seems this was once formerly called Drools Guvnor). You can get a demo system up and running very fast using the jBPM installer. A written guide on how to do it can be found here. In my case I downloaded the
from here.
As soon as you have the JBoss AS/WildFly with the KIE workbench running you can access it through http://localhost:8080/jbpm-console/
Now each BPMN process saved in the KIE workshop seems to have a unique path which is also a Git repository URL. When you open a diagram and go to the metadata tab this path is listed as URI.
To display this BPMN process inside a custom-built web application with the jBPM Designer BPMN 2 editor, just create an iframe
HTML element with that URL in it like the following example:
<p>Editor frame below:</p>
<iframe height='800' src='http://localhost:8080/jbpm-console?standalone=&path=git://master@jbpm-playground/HR/src/main/resources/hiring.bpmn2' width='1000'></iframe>
As soon as you load that page, the editor will be embedded into the page via that iframe
. This works even with a static HTML page without a web server, so it should be quite versatile and your web application surely doesn't need to run inside the same JBoss AS/WildFly instance and doesn't even need to be written in Java.
What I did not figure out so far is how to create new BPMN processes via some kind of API, which could then be edited within the standalone web application. Also I don't know how access control is supposed to work yet.