I have recently started to use createjs and have come to this problem (which doesnt have anything t odo with createjs):
for (a in ship.weapon) {
button[a].addEventListener("click", function() {
ship.weapon[a].amount = ship.weapon[a].amount.plus(1);
The "a" variable will ofcourse at the time that the button is pressed be the lenght of the ship.weapon array. So how do i make it so that the "a" inside the click function will stay at the value of the for loop when it was made?
You can use a closure to freeze the a
for (a in ship.weapon) {
(function(index) {
button[index].addEventListener("click", function() {
ship.weapon[index].amount = ship.weapon[index].amount.plus(1);
})(a); // calls the function I just defined passing 'a' as parameter