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JNDI Lookup of local EJB (no @EJB)

I have a requirement where I'm asked to load both remote and local EJBs with a JNDI lookup, so without the @EJB annotation.

My EJB is defined as follows:

public interface MyObjectInterfaceRemote extends MyObjectInterface {


public interface MyObjectInterfaceLocal extends MyObjectInterface {


public interface MyObjectInterface {
    // A bunch of methods which both remote and local ejbs will inherit

public class MyObjectEJB implements MyObjectInterfaceLocal, MyObjectInterfaceRemote {
    //implementation of all methods inherited from MyObjectInterface.

I'm using this code to lookup the remote EJB:

private MyObjectInterfaceRemote getEJB() throws NamingException {
    InitialContext context = new InitialContext();
    return (MyObjectInterfaceRemote) context.lookup(MyObjectInterfaceRemote.class.getName());

It works fine, but if I make another method like this:

private MyObjectInterfaceLocal getLocalEJB() throws NamingException {
    InitialContext context = new InitialContext();
    return (MyObjectInterfaceLocal) context.lookup(MyObjectInterfaceLocal.class.getName());

I get

Context: Backslash-PCNode03Cell/nodes/Backslash-PCNode03/servers/server1, 
name: MyObjectInterfaceLocal: First component in name MyObjectInterfaceLocal not found. 
[Root exception is org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage.NotFound:]

What am I missing? Do I have to use something different to lookup a local ejb?

Note: If I use

MyObjectInterfaceLocal ejb;

The local ejb gets succesfully loaded.


  • Have you tried below code?


    Webshpere uses different default binding pattern for remote and local interfaces.