I want to be able to show ToolTips for QMenu
items (QAction
s). The best I have achieved is to connect the hovered signal of the QAction
to a QTooltip
connect(action, &QAction::hovered, [=]{
QToolTip::showText(QCursor::pos(), text, this);
The problem is that sometimes the program will position the tooltip below the menu, specially when changing menus.
Is there any way to force the tooltip to show on top?
You can subclass QMenu
and reimplementing QMenu::event()
to intercept the QEvent::ToolTip
event and call QToolTip::showText
to set the tooltip for the active action :
#include <QtGui>
class Menu : public QMenu
bool event (QEvent * e)
const QHelpEvent *helpEvent = static_cast <QHelpEvent *>(e);
if (helpEvent->type() == QEvent::ToolTip && activeAction() != 0)
QToolTip::showText(helpEvent->globalPos(), activeAction()->toolTip());
} else
return QMenu::event(e);
Now you can use your custom menu like :
Menu *menu = new Menu();
menu->setTitle("Test menu");
QAction *action1 = menu->addAction("First");
action1->setToolTip("First action");
QAction *action2 = menu->addAction("Second");
action2->setToolTip("Second action");