I have a collection of transactions that have amount, description, type(debit/credit) and categories (home, auto, misc, etc). I'm trying to filter out my results to show only 'home' category in this example. I have my other view working to display all results from my collection. Below I tried to create a new collection 'results' and then output this to my handlebars template.
render: function () {
var results = this.collection.where({category: "home"});
var filteredCollectionHome = new Backbone.Collection(results);
this.$el.html(this.template({filteredCollectionHome: this.collection.homeView(true)}));
The homeView is inside my collections file.
homeView: function (toJSON) {
this.sortByDate(-1); // descending so latest are first
if(!toJSON) {
return this.models;
} else {
var models = this.models,
idx = -1,
json = [],
while(model = models[++idx]) {
return json;
Add a method in your collection which filters the data you want and return a new collection with filtered results.
var Transactions = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Transaction,
byCategory: function(name) {
filtered = this.filter(function(trans) {
return trans.get("category") === name;
return new Transactions(filtered);
var home_transactions = Transactions.byCategory("home")