I'm counting processes like so:
ps aux | grep my_script.php | grep -v grep | wc -l
But this includes results for both my_script.php foo=1
as well as my_script.php foo=1&bar=2
How can I separate these counts? I'd like to count how many include the argument bar
separately from those who do not include bar
Assuming the above ps aux...
returns 2 (one with the argument bar
and one without), how can I search for each one at a time?
Desired result: (with obvious fake placeholder for illustration)
// list all my_script.php processes
$ ps aux | grep my_script.php | grep -v grep
root 10 ... Ss 14:34 0:53 php /path/to/my_script.php foo=1&bar=2
root 12 ... Ss 14:35 0:46 php /path/to/my_script.php foo=1
// returns 2 lines (this works)
// Just count just those including the `bar` argument
$ ps aux | grep my_script.php _____+bar_____ | grep -v grep | wc -l
// return 1
// Just count only those NOT including the `bar` argument
$ ps aux | grep my_script.php _____-bar_____ | grep -v grep | grep -v bar | wc -l
// return 1
I can crudely exclude bar
results like so:
$ ps aux | grep my_script.php | grep -v grep | grep -v bar | wc -l
Obviously that won't work for times when the script name or path may include bar
string, but for now it works for me. The main thing I'm after is how to count the opposite. That is, how to count those only including the bar
does this help?
ps aux|grep -Pc 'my_script[.]ph[p].*[\s&]bar='
use perl regex[.]
make it match literal dot, not any single characterph[p]
filter the grep
process itself out[\s&]bar=
this matches an empty or &
+ bar=
return you only the number of matched linesan example, (text file to simulate your ps output):
kent$ cat f
root 10 ... Ss 14:34 0:53 php /path/to/my_script.php foo=1&bar=2
root 12 ... Ss 14:35 0:46 php /path/to/my_script.php foo=1
root 12 ... Ss 14:35 0:46 php /path/to/my_script.php foobar=1
root 12 ... Ss 14:35 0:46 php /path/to/my_script.php bar=1
kent$ grep -Pc 'my_script[.]ph[p].*[&\s]bar=' f