I'm using AngularJS's $resource module to sync "Appointments" back and forth with the server. An appointment contains a title, description, and time.
The server accepts new appointments via a JSON object POST'd at api/appointments
, ie.
title: "Doctors Visit",
description: "Check up",
time: "1:00pm"
Now the server will save the appointment and add an id to the object, and render a JSON response:
id: 23,
title: "Doctors Visit",
description: "Check up",
time: "1:00pm"
The problem is, if I use the $resource module to save a new Appointment, it doesn't save the id
attribute to the local JS object.
var Appointment = $resource('example.com/api/appointments/:id.json', {id: "@id"}, {
update: {method: "PUT"}
var appointment = new Appointment();
appointment.title = "CEO Meeting";
appointment.description = "Meeting with the CEO";
appointment.time = "2:00pm"
The appointment
variable doesn't have the attribute id
ever assigned to it, even after the response is finished.
What is the best way to do this?
The issue was that I was passing a new Appointment object into a modal that was binded to a form, like so:
<form name="appointmentForm" ng-submit="saveAppointment(appt)">
The saveAppointment
function wasn't being passed a resource, it was being passed a POJO with the attributes from the form.
I converted that to a $resource object and everything started working:
$scope.saveAppointment = function(appt)
appt = new Appointment(appt); //Appointment was made using $resource