Sorry if this is a simple or silly question but i have been trying to find the answer for a long time and i have had no luck in my search.
I am using TextPad 6 to learn JavaScript code(requested by tutor) but i have noticed a lot of the functions/methods etc i use are coming up with an error;
"Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object doesn't support this property or method"
Does anyone know how i can get TextPad to recognize any JavaScript code so i am not limited to the code i can use.
An example of the code it does not like is;
Thank you
I don't know exactly what your JS runtime is (sounds like it's equivalent to IE <= 8)* or how it's configured in TextPad, but I suggest that you'd be better off just running your code in a modern browser, like Chrome. That would also allow you to interactively debug it.
wasn't supported by IE until version 9.