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Opta Planner How could I arrange courses lecture in 2 periods sequential

I' developing a auto time table software at the Ataturk University in Turkey using Optaplanner. Optalanner has met all the requirements. But in addition there are a few requirements. One of them: ->When i want to put a course on time table, how could i arrange it in 2 periods sequential. And should not be a lecture in three sequential periods. For Example three hours consider the math lesson:

                      IN MONDAY

      0.P     Math              Math           Math

      1.P     Math              Math           Another

      2.P     Another           Math           Another

      3.P     Another           Another        Math

      4.P     Math              Another        Another
         (or another day)
      5.P     Another           Another        Another

      6.P     Another           Another        Math
              -----             -----          ----- 
             CORRECT            WRONG          WRONG

I want to be my time table look like first column and I need to prevent other cases.


  • something like this should work:

    rule "twoInARowIsgood"
        CourseSequentialRequirement($c : course)
        Lecture (course == $c, $firstP : period)
        Lecture (course == $c, period.isImmediatlyAfter($firstP))
        scoreHolder.add...(kcontext, 100); // Positive constraint
    rule "threeInARowIsBad"
        CourseSequentialRequirement($c : course)
        Lecture (course == $c, $firstP : period)
        Lecture (course == $c, period.isImmediatlyAfter($firstP), $secondP : period)
        Lecture (course == $c, period.isImmediatlyAfter($secondP))
        scoreHolder.add...(kcontext, -500); // Negative constraint and higher than twice the positive one