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Python pandas "filter" a time series for trading days only

I have a two datasets that look like this:

enter image description here

What I'd like to do is filter out non-trading days on the "data" dataframe. I assume it would be comparing the of each row to the of trading_days, then returning the row if there's a match. If there is no match, then it is not a trading day and the row is not returned. This effectively filters out the dataset of non-trading days.

However, going row-by-row here to check if the two data.index.dates are equal using an apply() function to return the row seems inefficient - I feel like there's a more efficient way to do this since I will do this on a 180M row dataframe.

Is there some kind of "merge" or "join" like:


that will filter for only the dates where matches? I need to have it all by the minute-level (as shown in the "data" dataframe) but simply filter out non-trade dates. Thanks for your help!

UPDATE to include values (please let me know if there's a better way to paste these):

In[5]: data.head(30).values
array([[ 438.9,  438.9,  438.9,  438.9,    0. ],
       [ 438.9,  438.9,  438.7,  438.7,   31. ],
       [ 438.6,  438.6,  438.6,  438.6,    7. ],
       [ 438.4,  438.7,  438.4,  438.4,    4. ],
       [ 438.4,  438.4,  438.3,  438.3,    4. ],
       [ 438.2,  438.2,  438.2,  438.2,    1. ],
       [ 438.2,  438.2,  438.2,  438.2,    0. ],
       [ 438.2,  438.2,  438.2,  438.2,    1. ],
       [ 438.2,  438.2,  438.2,  438.2,    0. ],
       [ 438.1,  438.1,  438.1,  438.1,    3. ],
       [ 438. ,  438. ,  437.9,  438. ,    6. ],
       [ 438. ,  438.2,  438. ,  438. ,    8. ],
       [ 438.2,  438.2,  438.1,  438.1,    6. ],
       [ 438.1,  438.1,  438.1,  438.1,    4. ],
       [ 438.1,  438.1,  438.1,  438.1,    0. ],
       [ 438.3,  438.3,  438.3,  438.3,    1. ],
       [ 438.3,  438.3,  438.3,  438.3,    0. ],
       [ 438.3,  438.3,  438.3,  438.3,    0. ],
       [ 438.1,  438.1,  438.1,  438.1,    1. ],
       [ 438. ,  438. ,  437.9,  437.9,   54. ],
       [ 437.8,  437.8,  437.8,  437.8,   10. ],
       [ 437.8,  437.8,  437.8,  437.8,    1. ],
       [ 437.8,  437.8,  437.8,  437.8,    6. ],
       [ 437.8,  437.8,  437.8,  437.8,    0. ],
       [ 437.9,  438. ,  437.9,  438. ,   12. ],
       [ 437.9,  438. ,  437.9,  438. ,    0. ],
       [ 437.9,  438. ,  437.9,  438. ,    0. ],
       [ 437.9,  438. ,  437.9,  438. ,    0. ],
       [ 437.9,  437.9,  437.9,  437.9,    1. ],
       [ 437.9,  437.9,  437.8,  437.8,    4. ]])

And here are the time stamps:

In[10]: data.head(30).index.values
       '2005-01-02T14:28:00.000000000-0500'], dtype='datetime64[ns]')

And the trading_days is a read.csv from here:


enter image description here


  • You can do a join the following way:

    1. Add a days column to data which contains the day of the index.
    2. pd.merge(days, data, on='days')

    This does an inner join by default, so only the rows from data with days which appear in the days frame will be in the result.