I am reading the type of an object from a file:
enum class type_index { ... };
type_index typeidx = read(file_handle, type_index{});
Depending on the type index, I want to create a type (out of a list of possible types), and do something generic with it (the same generic code for each type):
std::tuple<type1, type2, ..., typeN> possible_types;
boost::fusion::for_each(possible_types, [&](auto i) {
if (i::typeidx != typeidx) { return; }
// do generic stuff with i
That is:
This feels like a switch
statement with a run-time condition, but where the "cases" are generated at compile-time. In particular, this does not feel like a for_each
statement at all (I am not doing anything for all elements in a vector, tuple, list, but only to a single element).
Is there a better clearer way to express/write this idiom? (E.g. use an mpl::vector
instead of a std::tuple
for the possible types, use something different than the for_each
I like my usual inherited lambdas trick:
I've written about this before
)I believe I've seen Sumant Tambe use it in his more recent cpptruths.com
Here's a demo for now. Will add some explanation later.
The most important trick applied is that I use boost::variant
to hide the type code denum for us. But the principle applies even if you keep your own type discrimination logic (just requiring more coding)
#include <boost/serialization/variant.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/vector.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/text_iarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/text_oarchive.hpp>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
using namespace boost; // brevity
// This is the utility part that I had created in earlier answers:
namespace util {
template<typename T, class...Fs> struct visitor_t;
template<typename T, class F1, class...Fs>
struct visitor_t<T, F1, Fs...> : F1, visitor_t<T, Fs...>::type {
typedef visitor_t type;
visitor_t(F1 head, Fs...tail) : F1(head), visitor_t<T, Fs...>::type(tail...) {}
using F1::operator();
using visitor_t<T, Fs...>::type::operator();
template<typename T, class F> struct visitor_t<T, F> : F, boost::static_visitor<T> {
typedef visitor_t type;
visitor_t(F f) : F(f) {}
using F::operator();
template<typename T=void, class...Fs>
typename visitor_t<T, Fs...>::type make_visitor(Fs...x) { return {x...}; }
using util::make_visitor;
namespace my_types {
// fake types for demo only
struct A1 {
std::string data;
struct A2 {
double data;
struct A3 {
std::vector<int> data;
// some operations defined on A1,A2...
template <typename A> static inline void serialize(A& ar, A1& a, unsigned) { ar & a.data; } // using boost serialization for brevity
template <typename A> static inline void serialize(A& ar, A2& a, unsigned) { ar & a.data; } // using boost serialization for brevity
template <typename A> static inline void serialize(A& ar, A3& a, unsigned) { ar & a.data; } // using boost serialization for brevity
static inline void display(std::ostream& os, A3 const& a3) { os << "display A3: " << a3.data.size() << " elements\n"; }
template <typename T> static inline void display(std::ostream& os, T const& an) { os << "display A1 or A2: " << an.data << "\n"; }
// our variant logic
using AnyA = variant<A1,A2,A3>;
// test data setup
AnyA generate() { // generate a random A1,A2...
switch (rand()%3) {
case 0: return A1{ "data is a string here" };
case 1: return A2{ 42 };
case 2: return A3{ { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 } };
default: throw std::invalid_argument("rand");
using my_types::AnyA;
void write_archive(std::string const& fname) // write a test archive of 10 random AnyA
std::vector<AnyA> As;
std::generate_n(back_inserter(As), 10, my_types::generate);
std::ofstream ofs(fname, std::ios::binary);
archive::text_oarchive oa(ofs);
oa << As;
// logic under test
template <typename F>
void process_archive(std::string const& fname, F process) // reads a archive of AnyA and calls the processing function on it
std::ifstream ifs(fname, std::ios::binary);
archive::text_iarchive ia(ifs);
std::vector<AnyA> As;
ia >> As;
for(auto& a : As)
apply_visitor(process, a);
int main() {
// the following is c++11/c++1y lambda shorthand for entirely compiletime
// generated code for the specific type(s) received
auto visitor = make_visitor(
[](my_types::A2& a3) {
std::cout << "Skipping A2 items, just because we can\n";
display(std::cout, a3);
[](auto& other) {
std::cout << "Processing (other)\n";
display(std::cout, other);
process_archive("archive.txt", visitor);
Processing (other)
display A3: 10 elements
Skipping A2 items, just because we can
display A1 or A2: 42
Processing (other)
display A1 or A2: data is a string here
Processing (other)
display A3: 10 elements
Processing (other)
display A1 or A2: data is a string here
Processing (other)
display A1 or A2: data is a string here
Processing (other)
display A3: 10 elements
Processing (other)
display A1 or A2: data is a string here
Processing (other)
display A3: 10 elements
Processing (other)
display A3: 10 elements