I am looking for example where I can call loopback's custom method from Android. To explain more, lets say I have a method on server side with name "greet(name)" that will greet someone. I want to invoke that from Android. Any example, or link is ok.
Thanks in advance.
In the examples below, I'll assume your model is called Greeter
and the static method Greeter.greet
is invoked via GET /greeters/greet?name=Alex
First of all, you need to describe the REST mapping of your method. Then you can call the method using invokeMethod
public class GreeterRepository extends ModelRepository<Greeter> {
public RestContract createContract() {
RestContract contract = super.createContract();
contract.addItem(new RestContractItem("/" + getNameForRestUrl() + "/greet", "POST"),
getClassName() + ".greet");
return contract;
public void greet(name, final VoidCallback callback) {
invokeStaticMethod("greet", ImmutableMap.of("name", name), new Adapter.Callback() {
public void onError(Throwable t) {
public void onSuccess(String response) {
See ModelRepository.java and Model.java for examples of methods that parse the response body.
Disclaimer: I am one of the developers of LoopBack, loopback-sdk-android is one of my specialisations.