I am trying to create a script that will cycle through directories and open an image and analyse it etc..
so I would like to convert something like the script below into a loop;
//sets the pixel height and width
height = 15;
width = 15;
//navigates to the folder and opens the image
IJ.run("Raw...", "open=[C:\\Users\\Documents\\Ru\\simulations_Ru\\Batch1_sc\\1 Atoms\\15x15_stem_image00001_total_df_00001.bin] image=[64-bit Real] width=15 height=15 offset=0 number=1 gap=0");
imp = IJ.getImage();
//selects a region of interest I want to make measurements from
imp.setRoi(0, 0, width, height);
//makes the measurement
IJ.run(imp, "Measure", "");
//closes the image
What I'd like to know is how can I turn this into a loop (instead of having to type commands for each folder) so it iterates over the number of specific folders
height = 15;
width = 15;
var cmds = //cmds is a shortage of commands
"open=[C:\\Users\\Documents\\Ru\\simulations_Ru\\Batch1_sc\\1 Atoms\\15x15_stem_image00001_total_df_00001.bin] image=[64-bit Real] width=15 height=15 offset=0 number=1 gap=0",
"another command",
"and so on..."
for(var i in cmds)
IJ.run("Raw...", cmds[i]);
imp = IJ.getImage();
imp.setRoi(0, 0, width, height);
IJ.run(imp, "Measure", "");