I am making a game on cocos2d-JS for facebook in which there is a requirement of sharing a screenshot of the game.
I am able to take the screenshot but now I am unable to upload it in the Parse.com server because it requires base64 format or byte array. I am unable to find any solution of converting Sprite in to this format.. Here's my code so result when I do addchild its coming proper .. I have also added my commented code so that it will help to understand that I have tried lot of things but couldnt achieve the same.
shareToSocialNetworking: function () {
var newsize = cc.director.getVisibleSize();
var renderText = new cc.RenderTexture(newsize.width,newsize.height);
var result = cc.Sprite.create(renderText.getSprite().getTexture());
result.flippedY = true;
//var based = renderText.getSprite().getTexture().getStringForFormat().toString();
//var data = based.getData();
var file = new Parse.File("screen.jpg", { base64: this.getBase64(result) });
//var file = new Parse.File("screen.jpg", data, "image/png");
var self = this;
file.save().then(function() {
// The file has been saved to Parse.
}, function(error) {
// The file either could not be read, or could not be saved to Parse.
//var ccImage = renderText.newCCImage();
//var str = ccImage.getData();
is there any workaround that can be done
there is a private variable called _cacheCanvas, which is the instance of the offscreen canvas
you can simply do renderText._cacheCanvas.toDataURL()