I am using Spectrum Colorpicker and need to add multiple colorpicker pallettes in one div. By default it has to show only one colorbox, onclick of +add it has to add one more colorbox and so on...
Thanks in Advance for your help,
My HTML Code:
<!-- Color Picker -->
<div class="colorpicker-container">
<input class="full" />
<a href="#">+ Add</a>
<!-- /Color Picker -->
Can somebody please help me out?
Try something like this:
<!-- Color Picker -->
<div class="colorpicker-container">
<input class="full" />
<a class="add" href="#">+ Add</a>
<!-- /Color Picker -->
$(document).on("click", ".add", function(){
$(this).before("<input class='full' />");
showPaletteOnly: true, // if you want to only have the palette
palette: [ // here the colors you want to have on your palette
['black', 'white', 'blanchedalmond',
['red', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue', 'violet']