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what does puppet do when a service's status fails?

I have this in my event log for one of my nodes in the puppet dash board:

Changed (1)
Service[openstack-keystone] (/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/modules/keystone/manifests/init.pp:129)
Property    Message
ensure  ensure changed 'stopped' to 'running'

But how can I see what actually command puppet is using to change the service's state from stopped to running? And how can I change it, if I don't think puppet is doing the correct thing?


  • You can run puppet agent -t --debug to manually start a puppet run and see the commands being run.

    To change the commands, you can consider specifying the provider or the start, stop, status, and restart commands on the service resource. Check out the type reference for more information on the service type's parameters.