I have a big question to authors of clojurescript. And to all clojurescript community.
ClojureScript tutorial is unefficient and broken. It doesn't help with this problem. (see picture)
How to compile clojurescript to javascript?
Using lein-mies template
→ lein new mies hello-world
Retrieving mies/lein-template/0.4.1/lein-template-0.4.1.pom from clojars
Retrieving mies/lein-template/0.4.1/lein-template-0.4.1.jar from clojars
→ cd hello-world
→ lein cljsbuild auto
Compiling ClojureScript.
Compiling "hello_world.js" from ["src"]...
Successfully compiled "hello_world.js" in 8.025 seconds.
Now open index.html
and see in browser console:
Hello world!